Category: VCF

VMware VCF and changing DNS server

I was trying to change DNS servers in an VMware Cloud Foundation environment, but I ran into some problems. The first problem was that the customer already had removed access to the old DNS server, so the SDDC Manager could not talk to the vCenter. I tried to make the change in the OVF properties…

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By Allan Kjaer July 9, 2024 0

VMware VCF and Holodeck 2.0

VMware has a way you deploy a full VCF environment on a single host as nested environment, the current version deploys a VCF 5.0 enviroment. I was playing around with this and after deploying this I was doing as I would normally do, I shutdown the Cloud Builder VM after this, the environment did not…

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By Allan Kjaer February 27, 2024 0