VMware has Released NSX 4.2
VMware by Broadcom has released NSX 4.2 What’s new: See the full release notes here.
VMware Aria Suite 8.18 Released
VMware by Broadcom has released VMware Aria Suite Lifecycle 8.18, VMware Aria Automation 8.18, VMware Aria Operations 8.18, VMware Aria Operations for Logs 8.18 and VMware Aria Operations for Networks 8.13. Aria Suite Lifecycle 8.18 I do not like that deprecation of the connection to “My VMware or Customer Connect” this was a great feature…
VMware vCloud Foundation 5.2 Released
VMware by Broadcom has released VMware Cloud Foundation 5.2. Personal note: This i a stepping stone release for the next version, properly version 6.0, where there will be many major changes, including major upgrade of UI. NOTE July 24th 2024: Before upgrading please read the release notes for know issues and other. There is important…
VMware VCF and changing DNS server
I was trying to change DNS servers in an VMware Cloud Foundation environment, but I ran into some problems. The first problem was that the customer already had removed access to the old DNS server, so the SDDC Manager could not talk to the vCenter. I tried to make the change in the OVF properties…
VMware vSphere 8.0 Update 3 Release
VMware by Broadcom has released vCenter 8.0 update 3, ESXi 8.0 Update 3 and vSAN 8.0 Update 3. NOTES June 25th, 20224: Before updating, check if all you system that connects to vSphere are compatible with this new release, like backup, operations, automation and other. NOTES June 25th, 20224: vCenter is GA but ESXi is…
VMware has released Aria Automation 8.17
VMware has released Aria Automation 8.17 and Aria Automation Orchestrator 8.17. There are some changes that you should be aware of: What’s new: See the full release notes here.
VMware Aria Automation forms and complex/composite types
I have a colleague that had a problem with using the multi value picker in a form for a XaaS service workflow. The case was that we need to have a list of string a use the “multi value picker” for the user to select some stings that the workflow needed. This did not work…
VMware Cloud Foundation 5.1.1 Released
VMware by Broadcom has released VMware Cloud Foundation 5.1.1, the major new is VMware Private AI Foundation with NVIDIA, that offers a simpler way to manage On-Prem Generative AI solutions. This was announced at 2024 GTC AI Conference, and there after VMware by Broadcom posted a blog about this here. What’s new: See the full…
VMware Aria Automation 8.16.2 Released
VMware Has released Aria Automation 8.16.2, Aria Automation Orchestrator 8.16.2 and Aria Automation Config 8.16.2. Aria Automation 8.16.2/Aria Automation Config 8.16.2 What’s new: See the full Release notes here. Aria Automation Orchestrator 8.16.2 What’s new: See the full Release notes here.
VMware VMs and USB Controller
The latest security patch for the VMware ESXi, VMware Workstation and VMware Fusion is for the USB Controller in the VM give access to the hypervisor (on ESXi it can only access the VMX Sandbox, not all of the ESXi host). https://www.vmware.com/security/advisories/VMSA-2024-0006.html This is not the first time that the USB has a security bug,…