VMware PowerCLI 13 Released

November 22, 2022 0 By Allan Kjaer

VMware has released PowerCLI 13.

PowerCLI 13 is fully Multi-platform, the last 2 modules – ImageBuilder and AutoDeploy – that only work on Windows has been ported to new modules that can run on any supported platform.

the ImageBuild requires Python, as a prerequisite to run, and some python modules (six, psutil, lxml, pyopenssl).

What’s new:

  • PowerCLI is now fully multi-platform!
  • The vCD module has been updated to support vCD 10.4 and some new features have been added to it.
  • Support for vSAN ESA has been added to the vSAN module.
  • OS customization spec support has been updated to support IPv6 and customization scripts.
  • Seed checkpoint and custom attributes support have been added to the HCX module.
  • vSphere and Horizon modules have been updated to support the latest API features of vSphere 8 and Horizon 8 2209.

If you get an certificate error during update, remove the old versions, and install PowerCLI again.

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