VMware ESX 7.0 Update 2c released

August 24, 2021 0 By Allan Kjaer

VMware has released ESXi 7.0 Update 2c (7.0.2c), this is a bug fixing version.

This patch should fix the problem with boot from USB or SD-Card, where it after some time loses access to the boot device, and locks the host management, with a workaround could you in some cases vMotion the workloads to other hosts.

  • PR 2753546: If you use a USB boot device, connection to the /bootbank partition might break or the VMFS-L LOCKER partition gets corruptedIf the USB host controller disconnects from your vSphere system and any resource on the device, such as dump files, is still in use by ESXi, the device path cannot be released by the time the device reconnects. As a result, ESXi provides a new path to the USB device, which breaks connection to the /bootbank partition or corrupts the VMFS-L LOCKER partition.This issue is resolved in this release. The fix enhances the USB host controller driver to tolerate command timeout failures to allow ESXi sufficient time to release USB device resources.
    As a best practice, do not set dump partition on USB storage device. For more information, see VMware knowledge base articles 2077516 and 2149257.
  • PR 2760081: vSAN Build Recommendation Engine Health warning after upgrade to vSAN 7.0 Update 2If vCenter Server cannot resolve vcsa.vmware.com to an IP address, the vSAN release catalog cannot be uploaded. The following vSAN heath check displays a warning: vSAN Build Recommendation Engine Health.
    You might see an error message similar to the following:
    2021-04-12T11:40:59.435Z ERROR vsan-mgmt[32221] [VsanHttpRequestWrapper::urlopen opID=noOpId] Exception while sending request : Cannot resolve localhost or Internet websites.
    2021-04-12T11:40:59.435Z WARNING vsan-mgmt[32221] [VsanVumCoreUtil::CheckVumServiceStatus opID=noOpId] Failed to connect VUM service: Cannot resolve localhost or Internet websites.
    2021-04-12T11:40:59.435Z INFO vsan-mgmt[32221] [VsanVumIntegration::VumStatusCallback opID=noOpId] VUM is not installed or not responsive ​
    2021-04-12T11:40:59.435Z INFO vsan-mgmt[32221] [VsanVumSystemUtil::HasConfigIssue opID=noOpId] Config issue health.test.vum.vumDisabled exists on entity None

    This issue is resolved in this release.

Be aware that SLP is disabled per default, and will be disabled after update.

Service Location Protocol (SLP) service is disabled by default​: Starting from ESX 7.0 Update 2c, the SLP service is disabled by default to prevent potential security vulnerabilities. The SLP service is also automatically disabled after upgrades to ESX 7.0 Update 2c. You can manually enable the SLP service by using the command esxcli system slp set --enable true. For more information, see VMware knowledge base article 76372.

See the full release notes here.

for download: https://customerconnect.vmware.com/patch/

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