VMware Cloud Foundation 3.9.1 Released

January 14, 2020 0 By Allan Kjaer

VMware has released Cloud Foundation 3.9.1. This new version has a new Bill of Materials with never versions of the software, and other fixes.

  • Application Virtual Networks (AVNs): Enable vRealize Suite deployment in NSX overlay networks. AVNs provide benefits for portability and failover for planned migration or disaster recovery. New installations of Cloud Foundation 3.9.1 use AVNs for vRealize Suite components. If you upgrade to Cloud Foundation 3.9.1, vRealize Suite components get deployed on a VLAN-backed Distributed Port Group by default. To enable AVNs and migrate vRealize Suite components to these networks for an upgraded system, contact VMware Support.For more information about AVNs, see http://blogs.vmware.com/cloud-foundation/2020/01/14/application-virtual-networks-with-VCF.
  • API support for multiple physical NICs and vSphere Distributed switches: The API now supports up to three vSphere Distributed switches and six physical NICs, providing more flexibility to support high performance use cases and physical traffic separation.
  • Cloud Builder improvements: The Cloud Builder UI includes several workflow improvements and provides access to a deployment report that details the tasks performed during bring-up.
  • Developer Center: Enables you to access Cloud Foundation APIs and code samples from the SDDC Manager Dashboard.
  • BOM Updates for the 3.9.1 Release: Updated Bill of Materials with new product versions.

See the full release notes here.

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