vCSA Upgrade to 6.7 Failure

July 9, 2019 0 By Allan Kjaer

Yesterday I was upgrading a vCSA 6.0 to 6.7 Update 2, I ran into a strange failure.

I was using a JSON file for the upgrade, because I better can choose the size and, it’s easier to do multiple tries, and don’t have to go thru the wizard every time.

When i ran the upgrade i failed in the precheck on the source with this strange error:

Cannot detect upgrade runner version on source vc, proceed to cleanup and upload
Uninstalling vmware-upgrade-requirements-* on vcenter.domain.local.
('Failed to uninstall %(rpm)s on %(sourcevc_hostname)s: %(error)s', {'error':
CommandError("Failed to run and wait for command in guest with error 'Command
'/bin/rpm' exited with non-zero status 1'",), 'sourcevc_hostname':
'vcenter.domain.local', 'rpm': 'vmware-upgrade-requirements-*'})
Failed to run and wait for command in guest with error 'Command '['ls',
'/var/tmp/vmware-upgrade-requirements/']' exited with non-zero status
Uploading rpm to /var/tmp/upgrade-requirements.rpm, on VM

I looked thru the logs but I did not find any use full clue, on the failure.

But after some investigation I found the on the ESXi host where the source vCenter was running the /tmp folder was full:

[root@esxi01:/tmp] vdf -h
Ramdisk Size Used Available Use% Mounted on
root 32M 2M 29M 9% --
etc 28M 300K 27M 1% --
opt 32M 544K 31M 1% --
var 48M 1M 46M 2% --
tmp 256M 256M 0B 100% --
iofilters 32M 0B 32M 0% --
hostdstats 1803M 9M 1793M 0% --

I found that i was a HPE module (AMS) that was filling the /tmp folder, there is a HPE advisory on this here:

So after deleting the /tmp/ ams-bbUsg.txt” file the Upgrade work fine.

Update Juli 31 2019: Just seen the same failure message, but this time, i could see some log files, but not anything use full.

cd /storage/log/vmware/upgrade
find | grep 2019

The solution was to reboot the source vCenter, and the upgrade worked.

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