New VMware OS Optimization Tool Published

January 9, 2016 0 By Allan Kjaer

VMware has published a new OS Optimization tool for VDI machines. There are a lot of new things, and fixes:

Change Log

  • Windows 10 template (beta)
  • Login time optimization, for Windows 7, Window 8, Windows 8.1.
  • Visual effect correction, now works for both current user and new users. This change applies to Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1.
  • Some items are not selected by default, for better compatibility or user experience. You can still select them on demand.
  • A reference tab is added for OSOT Fling home site, as well as other optimization materials.
  • Drop old product support (View 5.3).
  • UI enhancement: optimize product compatibility settings.
  • Issue fix: When UAC is enabled, incorrect message shows in command line mode.


[Optimization Items]

​​Windows 8: hide fast user switching
Windows 8: disable welcome screen
Windows 8: change item recommendation level: Disable Windows Update service: recommended -> Optional. Update description.
Windows 7 & 8: Fix item: "Disable IPv6", according to
Windows 7 & 8: Add optional item to disable visual effects. By default these items are NOT selected.
Windows Server 2008-2012: add item to disable Windows Update service.

[Template & GUI]

Windows 7-8 template has been separated into two templates.
Template is automatically selected based on the target OS (for both local analysis and remote analysis)
MasterTemplate is removed
Remove description column in history view
Remove template content view on remote analysis panel
Rename most of optimization items. Sort items in alphabetical order

[Template Management]

Simplify the GUI. Two "Set" buttons have been removed. The XML content is update on the fly with user input.
Mandatory fields are marked with a red "*"
Add a new field: default selected
Add a new Save button, which is enabled for custom templates, and is disabled for built-in (readonly) templates.​
Context menu added for each step node
Add menu item Remove for group node
Disable Remove button for the top level
Adjust column width for better text display
Prevent user from removing top level group node
Update up and down icon
Label icon now has the same context menu as label (tree view)
Field Step Type has been removed for group node (unnecessary)
Title of HKCU operations has been changed according to command name (LOAD/UNLOAD), for consistency

[Issue Fix]

​Missing icon on optimization result

  1. Add feature "product compatibility". A dialog is added before analysis to ask user for in-use VMware products/features. The information is used to tweak optimization items. For example, if Persona Management is selected, the expected status of Volumn Shadow Copy service is AUTO, rather than the default DISABLED. Currently the configuration covers only Persona Management and View 5.3 Fixpack.
  2.  Add template capability: default selection state (XML attribute of step node: defaultSelected). You can specify which item is not selected by default in a template.
  3. By default, item "Disable Windows Firewall Service" is not selected, and the severity level has been lowered from MANDATORY to RECOMMENDED. Disabling Windows Firewall prevents some software from installing correctly.
  4. Fix optimization items
  5. Customer Experience Improvement Plan (CEIPenable)
    * Disable Diagnostic Service Host (WdiServiceHost)
    * Interactive Services Detection (UI0Detect)
    * Disable Windows Media Center Network Sharing Service (WMPNetwrokSVC)
    * Fix blank items
  6.  Add MasterTemplate back. This will fix the error message when using Remote Analysis.
  7. Minor model dialog tweak for progress bar dialog.
  8. Update manifest for OS compatibility.
  9. Include build version. So you can identify whether the tool you have has the correct level.

It can be found here:

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