HP 3PAR StoreServ and VMware vSphere 5 Best Practice

August 13, 2014 0 By Allan Kjaer

HP has changed there best practice for using there 3PAR StoreServ Storage systems when using Round Robin multi-pathing policy. 

The old recommandation was to use IOPS=100, and this has changed to IOPS=1. so for setting this you should use the following.

3PAR runninng Persona 6:

esxcli storage nmp satp rule add -s "VMW_SATP_DEFAULT_AA" -P "VMW_PSP_RR" -O iops=1 –c "tpgs_off" -V "3PARdata" -M "VV" -e "HP 3PAR Custom iSCSI/FC/FCoE Rule"

3PAR running Persona 11:

esxcli storage nmp satp rule add -s "VMW_SATP_ALUA" -P "VMW_PSP_RR" -O iops=1 -c "tpgs_on" -V "3PARdata" -M "VV" -e "HP3PAR Custom iSCSI/FC/FCoE ALUA Rule"

See also dokuments from HP: White Pape: HP 3PAR StoreServ Storage and VMware vSphere 5 Best Practices

For HP EVA you should use:

esxcli storage nmp satp rule add –s VMW_SATP_DEFAULT_AA –P VMW_PSP_RR –o iops –O iops=1 -c tpgs on –V HP –M HSV300 –e “Custom rule name”

Updated herehttps://www.virtual-allan.com/hp-3par-storeserv-vmware-best-practice-part-2/

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